Perspectives in Contemporary Sculpture Fall 2019
Beyonce Coachella concert

How is a stage like a pedestal?
Are risers on top of a stage like a pedestal on a pedestal?
Are these Unreadymade? or post-Unreadymade?

hole Lum & Yannick Desranleau
Melt (2010)
Choreography Noémie Lafrance

Eight dancers perched on a wall and wrapped in sculptural beeswax and lanolin costumes are slowly melting away, progressing in euphoria and exhaustion as if approaching the sun, melting until their souls escape their ephemeral bodies and disintegrate into light.
Descent (2001)
Choreography by Noémie Lafrance
Site: NYC Court Building Clock Tower

Descent was performed by twelve female dancers around the architecture of a spiraling stairwell, where the audience was invited to view the performance looking down through the center well of the stairs and to descend the entire staircase to experience each of the multiple tableaus. Descent reflected on women as subjects and objects of desire within the domestic realm.

"What would it mean now to sustain the cultural and historical specificity of a place (and self) that is neither a simulacra1 pacifier nor a willful invention? For architecture, Frampton proposes a process of "double mediation," which is in fact a double negation, defying "both the optimization of advanced technology and the ever-present tendency to regress into nostalgic historicism or the glibly decorative."53 (p. 109)

How does this question/idea relate to dance practice (given/in instances where it is a subset of art practice in general)?
Oct. 17- reading Claire Bishop
"The Social Turn: Collaboration and Its Discontents"

'Le Grand Continental' (2009)- reprise 2018
choreography Sylvain Emard

QUESTION: Is there a violence associated with 'aesthetic'? Is this kind of collaborative work decolonizing in any way? Whose aesthetics are still present? Which parts of an aesthetic or a process are kept? What are the materials that constitute the "aesthetic" and how does time factor in?
Environmental Art:Dec. 5, 2019
Question: How does spending time in nature/the environment with Art in mind or in conversation influence how people think about environmental issues? How they act on them? How does it make them think about Art?
Grove, Ben Mosher, 2019

The Work of Wolves, Jessica Winton, 2019